CAP 437 Helideck Inspection Training Program (Level 2 – Practical)

The aim of the Instructor-Lead CAP 437 Helideck Inspection Training Program (Level 2 – Practical) is to provide future helideck inspectors with the opportunity to review an actual inspection and complete a checklist.

The Program will be delivered via webinar by a Senior Helideck Inspector and will also have an online component with several assessments to complete.

Level 3 of the Training Program will be a virtual helideck inspection that will present participants with several issues / scenarios to review.  All the details and findings must be entered on the checklist and the correct severity rating must be applied. The completed checklist will be assessed for accuracy and feedback will be provided.

All participants must have successfully completed the CAP 437 Helideck Inspection Awareness Training Program (Level 1 – Theory) before having access to the Practical part of the Program.


Designed by highly experienced Offshore Helicopter Pilots specifically for new helideck inspectors.

Recommended for:

All personnel involved helideck inspections/certifications, helideck maintenance personnel, aviation advisors, helideck design / manufacturers and persons or agencies with an interest in helideck standards (for example: National Civil Aviation Authorities, Governmental HSEQ, Offshore Oil & Gas and Windfarm Aviation, Engineering and Logistical representatives).

Prerequisite to have access to Level 2 – complete animated and online CAP437 Awareness Training Program (Level 1 – Theory)

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